
To all who live outside of Mongolia, will you ever go back?

facebook дахь нэг Монголчуудын group-t "To all who live outside of Mongolia, will you ever go back?" гэсэн гарчигтай discussion board байна. Тэнд олон залуус нөгөө л яридагаараа "буцна", "буцахгүй" гээл янз бүрийн асуудлуудын талаар цэц булаацалдахын..

харин тэр дунд нь нэгэн Америк оюутны бичсэн нь таалагдаад энд тавьж байна. (шууд англиар нь тавьж байгаад уучлаарай, гэхдээ гадаадад байгаа хүмүүст зориуллаа.)


So I couldn't read all of the messages but I got the jist of it. Everyone is either die hard, "yes, I will return to help" or "no, I am comfortable here in America, why would I leave?" I am an America who went to Mongolia last year for 5 months to study and do some research. I will be returning to Mongolia next year, for the whole year, to do research on tourism and conservation. I will be back many many times in my life. I am especially intersted in the welfare of nomadic people and the effect of globalization on their lives. I am going there to help because Mongolia has a very dear place in my heart for an uncountable amount of reasons. I am not Mongolian but I feel that I have a duty to contribute and help MOngolia pull itself up by the bootstraps so that it can help its citizens and become the great country that it once was and should be. MONGOLIA NEEDS HELP! there is no doubt about that. I WILL BE STEPPING OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE, especially since I don't know the language fluently! I don't understand social norms or mannerisms, and I HATE FAT AND CYY-TAI TSAI! but I eat it everyday and I try not to step on toes and I try not to be an ugly American. Although you are all entitled to your opinion to return or not to return (I understand the whole wage and education thing) I was very sad to hear that there are a number of Mongolians who are afraid of being uncomfortable, afraid of leaving their "THINGS" in america to make the beautful country of Mongolia a better place. life is not about being comfortable, its about taking a risk, creating meaning, and making a contribution. Of all the cultures in the world, I feel that Mongolians are one of the closest and it is heart breaking that I can see myself in Mongolia for a large part of my life, yet there are many Mongolians who themselves have become the ugly, selfish, fat American and are unwilling to change their ways. I think of the Lost Boys and what they went through, and what they are doing here in America so that they can go back to their country and make it live-able. I am sorry if America has made you so cynical about your country. I am sorry if American has made you selfish and "comfortable." I am sorry that you don't understand the magic of your culture, the land, and the people. I am sorry because you are missing out on something that you, as an educated person, have the ability to speak out about, to make better. I am sorry that you are unwilling to make a difference in this world. I am sorry that you have to look down on your country with disgrace and shame (so much that you say FUCK and MOGNOLIA in the same sentence.) Without the help of outside educated people, Mongolia will never prosper. I am sorry that you are willing to leave your past for something as miserable as wealth and material posessions that are meaningless, full of greed, and will never give you the fulfillment you seek.

Youre probally thinking that I have no right to say what I said, I do't know anything. But if I want to return to help, to make sacrifices, and live in the Outnee Bair where I take cold showers and the toilet never flushes, then I think I know a hell of a lot more than you.

Stand up for your country you pussies!

someone asks: Are you a missionary?
she replies: No. I have no religions affilation of any sort.- I am a student from Colorado who studies marketing, geography, tourism, conservation, and sustainable development. I am returning to Mongolia for a year on a grant. I am passionate. I have no other motives but to help.

life is not about being comfortable, its about taking a risk, creating meaning, and making a contribution.


Anonymous said...

for sure i will be back... so do my friends ...


Anonymous said...

Одоо хүн хаана амьдрах тийм ч сонин биш. Манайхан хаана ч байсан эх орондоо хэрэгтэй зүйл хийж л байвал болох нь тэр.
Энэ америк залуу нилээд романтик хүн бололтой. Монголд 5-хан сар амьдрангуутаа хайртай болчихдог. Тэгсэн мөртлөө хэл усыг нь ч мэдэхгүй, хоол унданд нь дургүй гэж байгаа. "welfare of nomadic people and the effect of globalization on their lives" гэсэн судалгааны сэдэв нь юун ч хөөрхөн юм бэ дээ. Нөгөө Оскарт нэр дэвшдэг "Ингэний нулимс" киноны сэдэв шүү дээ. Бодвол тэр киног үзсэн бололтой.

Энэ залуу шиг улсуудтай бишгүй л таарч явлаа. Ихэнхи нь хүнд туслая гэхээсээ илүү адал явсан хөөсөн хүмүүс л байдаг юм билээ. Янз бүрийн сургааль хэлэх гээд л байдаг юм. Үгийг нь нэг их тоож доошоо орох хэрэггүй.

Эрдэнэболор Германаас

Оюунбодол said...

Erdenebolort, "хүн хаана амьдрах тийм ч сонин биш" gedeg bol tanii uzel.

harin minii end bichsen uzel bol: ter zaluugiin helsneer "life is not about being comfortable, but it's about taking a risk, creating meaning, and making a contribution."

"Манайхан хаана ч байсан эх орондоо хэрэгтэй зүйл хийж л байвал болох нь тэр" gej tanii helseniig harin demjij bna.

gehdee haana ch yavj bsan eh ornoo toodoggui humuus bas baidag shde. ter humuust handaj bichsen yuma. ta tednii neg n bish bol sain l bn.

Оюунбодол said...

PS: bi deerh hariu comment bichihdee, uurlasan, tuhain huniig surgusun, harshilsan ungu ayasaar bicheegui bolno.


Anonymous said...

Sanaa zovoltgui. Ter life is... gesen ugiig zov gedgiig bi bas zovshoornoo.

Stand up for your country you pussies geh met bichsen ni harin ontsgui yum baina. Har hunii omnoos shar hun gegcheer. Hund ih tuslah gedeg humuus oorsdoo ihevchlen setgel zuin complex-toi baidag bogood harin ch tedend oorsdod ni hamgiin ih tuslaltsaa heregtei baidag gesen psychoanalyse-iin onol baidag.

Za ter ch yahav, tanii Blogchdod handaj bichsen 2 heseg bichleg chini taalagdsan shuu. Networking dutagdaj baigaa ni yag unen.

Bi bas onoodroos blogoo ajilluulj baina. Linkiig mini tavichihval bayarlana shuu. Bi bas taniihiig taviya.